btu::modmanager::ModFolderTransformer class

Base classes

class ModFolderIteratorBase

Public types

enum class ArchiveTooLargeAction: std::uint8_t { Skip, Process }
enum class ArchiveTooLargeState: std::uint8_t { BeforeProcessing, AfterProcessing }

Public functions

auto archive_too_large(const Path& archive_path, ArchiveTooLargeState state) →  ArchiveTooLargeAction=0 virtual noexcept
void failed_to_read_archive(const Path& archive_path) virtual noexcept
void failed_to_read_transformed_file(const Path& relative_path, std::span<const std::byte> content) virtual noexcept
void failed_to_write_archive(const Path& old_archive_path, const Path& new_archive_path) virtual noexcept
void failed_to_write_transformed_file(const Path& relative_path, std::span<const std::byte> content) virtual noexcept
auto stop_requested() const →  bool virtual noexcept
auto transform_file(ModFile file) →  std::optional<std::vector<std::byte>>=0 virtual noexcept
Takes a file content and returns a new content. If the function returns std::nullopt, the file is not changed.

Function documentation

std::optional<std::vector<std::byte>>=0 btu::modmanager::ModFolderTransformer::transform_file(ModFile file) virtual noexcept

Takes a file content and returns a new content. If the function returns std::nullopt, the file is not changed.