btu/bsa/plugin.hpp file


namespace btu
namespace btu::bsa


void clean_dummy_plugins(std::span<const Path> plugins, const Settings& sets)
auto find_archive_name(const Path& directory, const Settings& sets, ArchiveType type) →  std::optional<Path> noexcept
Find a name for the archive. Try plugin name, then directory name, then random name.
auto list_archive(const Path& dir, const Settings& sets) →  std::vector<Path> noexcept
auto list_plugins(const Path& dir, const Settings& sets) →  std::vector<Path> noexcept
void make_dummy_plugins(std::span<const Path> archives, const Settings& sets)
void remake_dummy_plugins(const Path& directory, const Settings& sets)
Cleans dummy plugins and make new ones.